Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Dec 20, 2009

In one smooth motion, I vanish. Racing across building tops, silver scarf clearly visible, now flies behind me. Stars painting the city sky behind me once again. if my scarf was erasing all the clouds. Every drop being collected, making my scarf shine more and more. I look down and smile from a corner building. Taking a second look behind me just to be sure. ...and there he is. ...That same kid that, for what ever reason, had invaded my dreams again. " this the same guy?" He glanced up to catch my eye for a split second more before I'm gone. Grinning and racing for the horizon. "It's him." "Good night Erin." I say to the memory of those fleeting electric blue eyes that seem to linger so long in my mind. Watching her shadow race forward, trailing a clean night sky. Shining with such a beauty, you didn't know existed in such a tough city as this. "...haha. I wonder...if he knows..."